《Online and Matching-Based Market Design》Federico Echenique |PDF下载|ePub下载
Federico Echenique
Nicole Immorlica
Vijay V. Vazirani
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 2023-5-16
页数: 742
定价: USD 69.99
装帧: PDF
ISBN: 9781108937535
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The rich, multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary field of matching-based market design is an active and important one due to its highly successful applications with economic and sociological impact. Its home is economics, but with intimate connections to algorithm design and operations research. With chapters contributed by over fifty top researchers from all three disciplines, this volume is unique in its breadth and depth, while still being a cohesive and unified picture of the field, suitable for the uninitiated as well as the expert. It explains the dominant ideas from computer science and economics underlying the most important results on market design and introduces the main algorithmic questions and combinatorial structures. Methodologies and applications from both the pre-Internet and post-Internet eras are covered in detail. Key chapters discuss the basic notions of efficiency, fairness and incentives, and the way market design seeks solutions guided by normative criteria borrowed from social choice theory.