《Reading Pictures》Alberto Manguel |PDF下载|ePub下载
Alberto Manguel
出版社: Random House Trade Paperbacks
副标题: What We Think About When We Look at Art
出版年: 2002-10
页数: 352
定价: USD 19.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780375759222
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This profoundly illuminating, entertaining book could well change the way we “read” the visual world around us, and certainly help open our eyes and minds to its astonishing riches. The language in which we speak about art has become steadily more abstruse, a jargon that only art critics and con-artists can understand, though for thousands of years this was not the case. Today, we live in a kaleidoscopic new world of images: Is there a vocabulary we can learn in order to read these images? Is there something we can do so as not to remain passive when we flip through an illustrated book, or download images on a screen? Are there ways in which we can “read” the stories within paintings, monuments, buildings and sculptures? We say “every picture tells a story” – but does it?
Taking a handful of extraordinary images – photographed, painted, built, sculpted – Alberto Manguel explores how each one attempts to tell a story that we, the viewer, must decipher or invent. A History of Love and Hate is not about art history or theory – it is about the astonishing pleasures and surprises of stories.
From the Hardcover edition.
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阿尔维托·曼古埃尔,著名小说家、翻译家、文学批评家和出版家,法国艺术与文学骑士勋章、加拿大军官勋章获得者,曾任阿根廷国家图书馆馆长,2020 年起任葡萄牙里斯本阅读史研究中心主任。
孙淼,早年学习经济学,为了追寻摄影梦前往法国研究西方艺术史,毕业于斯特拉斯堡大学艺术史专业,曾供职于深圳某 博物馆,希望通过译笔让中文读者看懂每一件艺术作品